M3 Tranquilizer Nano Fidget Spinner

M3 Tran Nano PreOrder Details

(and other information)

PreOrder DROP DATE: Sunday, January 31st, 2pm Mountain Time

This will be a PreOrder drop. This drop will include full Cu and SS Nano spinners. PreOrder will end one week later on Sunday, February 7th at 2 pm MT. There will be only one finish option for this first drop, Zirblast!  We have decided to offer only what we are confident we can produce at this time. Every single Nano will go through a highly detailed inspection process: balance, geometry, fit, and finish.
Please allow 2 to 5 weeks for delivery.
  • Full Copper Tran Nano - $120
  • Full Stainless Steel Tran Nano - $135
Other metals and exotics will be sold as made for the time being.  We may decide to do a Waiting List later.  Stay tuned...


Above: W75C25 Tungsten with Cu buttons


Weight - 103grams (cu), 90grams (ss)
Height (with buttons) - 22.7mm
Length - 36.7mm
Width - 24mm
Button Diameter - 24.7mm
Tranquilizer Nanos will come with Unquiet Hand's NIBIRU 2.0 bearings installed.
All Tran Nano's will be stamped with "M3" and include a COA.  And as always, each spinner comes with a vinyl sticker!
M3 Metal Creations is not responsible for lost packages shipped outside of the United States.  Once your package leaves the states, there is not much we can do about delivery.  Please be patient as some out of state packages are taking up to two months to be delivered. Thanks you!